5 Resources That Can Change Your Whole Website

Jacky Lin
3 min readJan 1, 2021
Plain HTML
Modern Day Website

1. Google Fonts

Google Fonts is a library that has more than 1000 free licensed font families, its also an interactive web directory for browsing the library, and APIs for using font via CSS and Android.

You can use them in any projects and with so many unique fonts to use, you’re bound to find something you will enjoy using.

The best part is, ITS ENTIRELY FREE!

Link Here: https://fonts.google.com/

2. Color Hunt

Color theory is an important part of your website and finding how what type of colors is very troublesome. But with Color Hunt, it is a collection of color palettes. It can be used to to start a personal project to built to share the trendy color combination.

Link: https://colorhunt.co/

Or if you ever come upon a color you enjoy, there is a Google Chrome Extension that can be used. The extension is called Getcolor which helps identify the color with a click of the mouse.

Both Resources are also FREE!!

3. Font Awesome

Need icon for your website? Favicon most likely has it, with Favicon you can easily search an icon and just add it like so:
<i class=”fad fa-dove fa-rotate-90" style=”color: #845ef7;”></i>

Font Awesome works very well with:

  1. Web Fonts + CSS
  2. SVG + JS
  3. Sketch
  4. Figma
  5. Vue.js
  6. Angular
  7. React
  8. Ember

Font Awesome has a lot of free icons however some of them require you to get through a membership. I have provided the link below:


4. SweetAlert2

SweetAlert is a responsive, customizable and accessible replacement for JavaScript’s popup boxes.

You can change every aspect of the pop-up and how you want it.

Link: https://sweetalert2.github.io/


5. Awwwards

Finding inspiration can be hard for some people, which is why we have Awwards. Awwwards is a professional web design and development that helps promotes the best of innovative web design.

Link: https://www.awwwards.com/


